Organic Way LLC

Rose Hips Fruit (Cut & Sifted), European Wild Harvest


Rosehips are an accessory fruit that grows on plants in the genus Rosa, aka rose plants. They’re round to oblong, typically range from orange to bright red, and form at the base of a rose flower’s petals.

Rose hip tea is an herbal tea made from the fruit. This tea is also known as Rosehaw tea, Hipberry tea, or Dogrose tea and is majorly known for its fruity taste and strong aftertaste. Rosehip tea is a delicious drink that’s popular in many countries throughout the world. Rosehip tea is known to be high in vitamin C, which is beneficial for the immune system.

Organic Way is a recognized producer of original rosehip (Rosa canina) with excellent quality.

  • 100% tested USDA and Kosher certified herbal product.
  • Organic products imported from India and packaged in USA.
  • Grown and processed without toxic pesticides, irradiation or GMOs.
  • The packaging is flavor-sealed for freshness.
  • 100% Product satisfaction guarantee.

Our Rosehips Fruit (Rose Haw/Rose Hep) is commonly used in jams, jellies, teas, bread and a few sweet beverages. You can rely on our products for authenticity and potency. Organic Way imports quality organically grown products from different countries and processes them in the USA for the US market. All our products are USDA and Kosher approved and perfectly safe for use.

Our cut and sifted rose hips fruit means that the dried fruit is not sold in whole form, but rather "cut" into smaller pieces and then "sifted" to remove the small pieces and dust that result from the cutting process.

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